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Hulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Welcome toHulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First


A sense of belonging


We believe that our school uniform helps to give the children a sense of pride in their school and a sense of belonging within the school community.

Our school uniform is available from School Trends which can now be ordered through the attached link


It can also be ordered from Tesco at



School Uniform







Green school sweatshirt with logo or cardigan with logo

Please note: it is essential that every child bring a hat to school during summer months.

Available with school logo.

Summer dress – bottle green checked or green polo shirt with logo & grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

White socks

Dark coloured school shoes


Green school sweatshirt with logo

Green polo shirt with logo and grey shorts or trousers

Dark coloured socks

Dark coloured school shoes



Green school sweatshirt with logo or cardigan with logo

Green fleece jacket (with logo)

Green polo shirt with logo & grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

Plain white socks / grey tights

Reversible coat (with logo)

Dark coloured school shoes or boots


Green school sweatshirt with logo

Green fleece jacket (with logo)

Green polo shirt with logo and grey trousers

Plain socks

Reversible coat (with logo)

Dark coloured school shoes


Girls & boys

Emerald green T-shirt with logo (available from school)


Black shorts


White socks


Pumps (Class 1)

Trainers (Classes 2 & 3)


Green hooded sweatshirt with logo


Black jogging bottoms (no logos)


Please name all items with permanent labels



Simple stud type earrings and watches are allowed. If worn they must be removed for all P.E. type of activities or covered by a plaster (earrings), this is the responsibility of the child. Children will not be allowed to swim with earrings in. No other jewellery is allowed at school. Hair should also be tied up for PE. No nail varnish to be worn at any time.

