Don't forget your Christmas Jumper for Christmas dinner on Wednesday
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Hulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Welcome toHulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Class 1

Coronation Fun!

Maths - Making arrays with cubes outside

Enjoying Forest Schools

RE - Acting out the story of Jesus Blessing the Children

Interviewing like Andy Seed (Author of Interview with a Tiger)

Easter Service in Church - Five Easter Eggs in a Sweetie Shop

Hope Of Heaven - The Covid Memorial Bench

Clay Christmas Trees

Do you know what we used to make our Christmas cards? It is white, minty and you use it to clean your teeth. Yes! It's toothpaste

R.E. Our Puppet Nativity

Turning on our Christmas Lights

Still image for this video

We built our own houses for the Three Little Pigs

Special Books for R.E.

Harvest Vegetable Soup

R.E. Acting out the story of Jesus Calms the Storm

Peak Wildlife Park Trip 24.06.2022

Forest School Session 17.06.2022

Forest School Session 27.05.2022

Look what we made from reusing materials - Can you guess what we made?

Happy Christmas from Class 1.

These sheets are to support your child's letter formation when writing. Please refer to these when required and print the individual sheets for the letters your child is finding challenging.

Thank you for helping to raise money for Save the Children by paying to wear your Christmas jumpers!

When we learned about Rememberance Day we made poppies using buttons.

Having Fun Raising Money for Children in Need

Our Decorate a Duck Wnners!

Our Pudsey Winners

Look at our dinosaur hats!

In RE we have been learning about the story of Jonah and the Whale.

We made dinosaurs using playdough and used Numicon to help us count the plates and spikes on their backs.

We used split pins to hinge our dinosaur body parts.

Top Tips for Learning at Home | How to Home School Effectively

Prof. Ruth Merttens provides her top tips on how to use Hamilton's Learning at Home packs effectively. Advice for all those parents currently taking on the d...
