5.30pm in the school hall
Tickets cost £5 per adult and £3.50 per child
Bingo tickets, chip, hot dog and drinks provided
Come and join the fun
The Summer Fair raised £1324.82. Thank you to everyone that contributed.
Special thanks to the PTFA for all their hard work.
We have an active PTFA. All parents, staff and friends of the school are members and are welcome to support the organisation. The PTFA organises various events and fund raising activities, the proceeds of which purchase equipment of considerable importance to the school.
We hope that you will support this organisation and offer your help on the occasions when this is appropriate. In getting involved, not only do you benefit the children but you’ll also have a lot of fun! We are always keen to hear new ideas for fundraising and to welcome new faces.
Here are a few ways you can help the school to fundraise.
www.MyNametags.com and the school ID is 23260