First swimming lesson this week for Years 4, 5 and 6
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Hulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

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ff, ll and ss Sounds

Today we are looking at ff, ll and ss (This can be done over two sessions).

Explain that sometimes two letters work together to make a sound. 

They are both the same letter and work together to make the same sound. 

We can write these sounds with one letter but sometimes when it is at the end of a word we use the two letters together.

PHONICS PLAY - Play Dragons Den with the ff sound.

Give the eggs with the real words on to the Green Dragon and the not real/ made up words to the Red Dragon.

Please talk about the meanings of words because your child may not know what a real words means or may think a not real word is real because it sound similar to real word.

PHONICS PLAY - Play Picnic on Pluto with the ll sound.

Give the snacks with real words to Bob and the not real/ fake words to Obb.

Please talk about the meanings of words because your child may not know what a real words means or may think a not real word is real because it sound similar to real word.

PHONICS PLAY - Play Buried Treasure with the ss sound.

Put the real words in the treasure chest and the not real/ fake words in the bin.

Please talk about the meanings of words because your child may not know what a real words means or may think a not real word is real because it sound similar to real word.
