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Hulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Welcome toHulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and paid by means of a specific grant per child based on school census figures for pupils, who have been registered as eligible for FSM during the past six years (known as the Ever 6 Free School Meals measure). It is for pupils in Reception to Year 6 and is additional to main school funding.

Pupil Premium Plus is granted for children in care (CIC); also described as Looked After Children (LAC), including those in foster care, or for those who have been adopted from care, or are under a guardianship order.

A premium is also given for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces, which is designed to address the emotional and social wellbeing of these pupils. 


How will we maximise the use of Pupil Premium Funding?

1. Pupil Premium funding will be used to provide additional educational support and raise the standard of achievement of all pupils in receipt of this funding - narrowing the gap;

2. The funding will be used to support mental health and wellbeing challenges (attachment, friendships, social skills);

3. It will be used to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupil Premium and other pupils in the school.



Schools are accountable to show how the Pupil Premium funding has been allocated to enrich the pupil's personal and academic achievements within school.


Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement can be found below.



