SEND Café Thursday 23rd January 14:30 - come along to chat with the school SENCO
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Hulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

Welcome toHulland Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolChildren Come First

A Church School

A Church School


Hulland School is a Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) School and has celebrated 150 years (1863 – 2013) of being a Church School. In recognition of its historic foundation the school aims to serve it’s community by providing education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning of faith and promotes Christian values through the experiences it offers its pupils.


There are two foundation Governors representing the Church, one of these is the Reverend Phil Michell, who encourages close links with Christ Church Parish Church. Our other foundation Governor is Mr Russell Muir.


Reverend Phil regularly leads collective worship in school and the children attend services at Church to recognise important Christian Festivals including Christmas, Easter and Harvest. 

Church links help the children to become familiar with Christian worship, values and traditions within the larger context of the many beliefs and spiritualties in society.

We wish to reassure parents that our lessons and assemblies are not designed to convert pupils or urge particular beliefs but to promote understanding and respect for a wide variety of faiths and approaches.


'Preparing the way for life in all its fullness.'

The school will prepare the way for a future in an ever-changing world, through a curriculum rich in creative learning opportunities, underpinned by Christian values. Our children will be part of an inclusive community, where everyone feels valued, safe and special; where they love to learn and learn to love.


Derbyshire and Derby City Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2020-2025

PSHE Matters - A PSHE Curriculum for Primary Schools - an introduction.
